Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy to Be Home!

We made a trek up to Zippel Bay Resort to spend a few days with Mark's family. It's a nice resort with all the amenities a person would need for a fishing trip. The accommodations were roomy, at least the log cabin we stayed in was.

The only complaints I had were the mosquitoes, the biting flies on the lake and the stuff laying on the countertops and the floor of the cabin which was a little much for a neat freak, type A personality like myself to take. When things are messy it makes me tired, crabby and uneasy.

Mark and I realised two things. One: We are not lake resort people, we are Sandals Resort people. Two: I desperately need a vacation without children ASAP!

Grant was a pill the entire time! Mark tried to take him swimming, but he didn't like to get wet (takes after his mother). Apparently the potty training is working too well. When his trunks were wet he thought he had to take them off. We then let him swim in his swim diapers. Those also got wet and he wanted those off. Tired of the struggle we went back to the log cabin. The second day we woke up the mosquitoes in the cabin were awful! Grant tried to go potty, but they swarmed around his penis and this freaked him out the entire trip and wouldn't use the potty the rest of the time we were there. This place really isn't for young children since it is by the water. Grant liked to run around the floating gazebo which was wet in an area with no fencing for two feet. That thing was a drowning accident waiting to happen!

Grant did like two things at the resort: Skipping rocks and his two little buddies he named Darell. The Darell's were two boys between the ages of 5-7 whom he met while playing in the floating gazebo. I don't know what there real names were but to Grant they were named Darrel.

We did enjoy the boat ride Paul took us on. It was Grant's first ride on grandpa's boat. We also enjoyed the two walleye feast dinners while we were there. We both caught up on some reading and sleep while we were there.

Going away make you appreciate what you have in your own home when you return!

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