Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, kiddo!

The official Grant Birthday Spectacular Weekend is now over! Saturday was his party, and the whole gang, both sets of grandparents, his good buddies Jonah and Jack, and some of our friends and family were able to make it over for the festivities. A new trike and set of kiddie golf clubs were the highlights of the day. Carla did a great job planning everything and made delicious food and we all had a good time, even though we were pretty tired!

Monday (today) was Grant's official birthday! It is hard to believe that our little guy has grown up so fast. To celebrate, Carla took him to visit me at work today and we went out to lunch. Later, when I got home, we celebrated with some birthday pizza and went to chip golf balls in a nearby park. Grant likes to pretend he is Tiger Woods all the time- as Grant puts it, he's playing golf for "championships" all the time. Grant also apparently is a big Rocco Mediate fan- for those that don't watch golf, he's the guy Tiger beat in the playoff to win the US Open last week- because I asked Grant if Tiger was his favorite golfer, and he said "and I like Rocco too, Daddy."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Skin Deep

Here is a very useful link that is a guide to cosmetics and personal care products brought to you by researchers at the Environmental Working Group.

Here is the mission of this website as stated by Skin Deep: Skin Deep pairs ingredients in more than 25,000 products against 50 definitive toxicity and regulatory databases, making it the largest integrated data resource of its kind. Why did a small nonprofit take on such a big project? Because the FDA doesn't require companies to test their own products for safety.

Take a look at your favorite cosmetics and personal hygeine products, you will be suprised! I have changed to mineral make-up after reading all the toxins that were in my foundation & powder. Little steps like this can make everyone healthier!

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

After 7 days of rain, it has finally cleared up! The sun is actually shining! The flowers smell incredible and the lilacs are in full bloom. My garden on the other hand needs some work. The radishes, carrots, pumpkins and peppers survived. The other stuff I am not so sure about. I see sprouts of things, but I don't know if they are a weed (some sprouts look alot like weeds). I have a feeling some of the seeds drowned in the soil along with the tomato plants. Oh well the tomato plants can be replanted, or maybe I should give the receipt to the graders who were supposed to place soil in the corner of the lot so it wouldn't pond up in that area!

Grant and I also ventured out into the neighborhood today. First we went to the park then we went on a walk. I have to say that I am not very happy when the apartment kids are there. For one thing they are not supervised. Apparently having a cell phone or a Nextel phone (1/2 walkie talkie, 1/2 cell) with you is the same as having a parent with. Every once in awhile you hear someone on the Nextel "checking" up on their kids or telling them "they better come home in one minute". One night we were at the park with our friends and a group of them were there again...not dressed for the weather. It was roughly 60 degrees and they thought this was the perfect time to get out their swimwear. All of a sudden Mark comes over to me and says "I feel like a pervert" apparently one of the girls swimsuit tops came undone, Mark and Andrew were flashed. They were scared they were going to appear on an episode of "To Catch a Predator".

We also enjoyed our walk today. It was so nice to take in the late spring weather walking hand in hand with my little guy. Maybe the two's are going out like a lamb!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Goodbye, Mr. Russert

I have no idea how many of you that read this blog had ever heard of or watched Tim Russert before yesterday. As a self-titled political junkie, Mark never missed the show Russert hosted on NBC, "Meet The Press," for many years. It was part of his Sunday (or later in the week, thanks to the DVR) as much as reading the newspaper.

Sadly, he was 58 years old when he passed away on Friday after suffering a heart attack. A few years ago, Mark read a short portion of one of Russert's books in an edition of Reader's Digest and was so moved by the piece that he cut the clip out, to remind himself of what the real priorities were in life, even as busy as it gets sometimes. Mark wanted to share a few of the comments on this blog, especially as Father's Day weekend is upon us.

Russert on how his life changed when his only son Luke was born:

"At that moment, all my priorities shifted. There were no more spontaneous happy hours after work, no more late-night movies, and you couldn't have paid me to go to a dinner party. My career became secondary to the blessings of being a parent."

Later, he describes talking to Luke when he went off to college.

"I gave him simple advice: 'Study hard, laugh often, and keep your honor.' I pray that I taught him to make good decisions and given him strong moral grounding to do the right thing."

But it's the last line of the piece that really hits home after hearing of his death:

"Because ever since August 22, 1985, at 7:11 PM, I've known that when my life is over, there's nothing more I'll be judged on than what kind of father I was."

Amen to all of the above.

Thanks, Tim Russert, for all you did to give people a better understanding of their government and their country, but most importantly, for being a great father in your own right. May you rest in eternal peace.

Play On Player

Grant has become quite the social butterfly! He has started to recognise his friends from various places. I don't know if they are his friends or he is just making up names. Yesterday he said he saw his friends Mary at Target and Preston at a sporting goods store.
When we walked into the sporting goods store yesterday as soon as we got in the door he was saying "hi" to everyone. We spent a few minutes upstairs looking for golf accessories for Mark, Grant again was saying "hi" to everyone. Even to the teenage boy on the putting green, who didn't quite know what to say to him. I hope he stays this way and doesn't become shy like his mother. The best part of the shopping experience was in the cafe inside the store where we stopped for a treat. We were in line and Grant walks over to the salt water taffy and tries to chat up a little girl. Grant standing there with his arms crossed "How's it going". The little girl didn't now what to say and walked away. His first rejection by a girl. Oh, well her loss!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Potty Training, Need I Say More?

We have taken on the challenge of potty training Grant. I tried this a few months before, but I stopped because we were both upset. Grant didn't want to sit on the potty and I was crying out of frustration. I then decided since we are a two parent household and one has a lot more patience then the other that Mark would do the potty training bootcamp for the weekend and I would do the rest of the week.

We both read the book "How to Potty Train in Less Than a Day" to get some pointers. Intelligence told me this was not going to work, but secretly I wanted it to. The basic concept is to totally engross your child with potty training and give then all the liquid they desire. This goes on for an entire day. The other component is to use a Potty Scotty type of doll to show the child how to use the potty and "potty train" their doll. Grant had about enough of the doll after a few minutes. It went flying across the room and according to Grant "baby already potty trained". You can't fool this kid.

To make a long story short Grant peed in the potty about 3 times that day and continues to do it 1-2 times a day this week. He pooped on the floor last night (at least he learned he doesn't have to use his Pull-Ups for poop) It's progress! The book didn't work but we alt least got pointers on how to potty train a stubborn child.

I keep reminding myself of something my friend Jaime emailed me a few months ago: Intelligent children are harder to potty train. I also read that at one time. I don't know if I believe this but it sounds good to me!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Future Banker

Since it has been raining or cold this week we were forced to stay in side tonight and not have out usual family walk or park time. What did we do? As some of you may know Grant has an obsession with Mark's place of employment. He points out all the bank locations around town, gets excited over the commercials & loves the paraphernalia Mark brings home. This week I had to coax him into his carseat by letting him "read" the bank flyer that was left in the car. Tonight it was no surprised when I asked him if he wanted to watch the last of Mark's training videos that he said yes. It was like I said he could watch Alvin and the Chipmunks and eat all the ice cream he wanted! Mark killed two birds with one stone. Spend time with his family and getting caught up on his training videos. Not having watched training videos in three years,I also joined in on the fun. I have to say it was like watching the Dharma Initiative videos from Lost.
Needless to say after the video Grant decided to play banker. He grabbed a pen and paper (that was his brochure) and began telling me about the different checking accounts the bank offers. He needs to watch the customer service part of the video again, when his phone rang he proceeded to have a chat with Cookie Monster and Elmo. I guess mommy is not his #1 customer.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What Do You Do All Day?

This post is for all the stay-at-home-moms out there who are tired of the question "What do you do all day?". Here is a brief synopsis of last week.

Monday (Memorial Day)
Grocery shopped, spent quality time with family,had dinner with Mark's parents.
Washed, dried, folded and put away 5 loads of laundry, uncovered garden and flowers from the previous nights frost warning, watered garden and flowers, changed sheets, washed all mirrors and doors. Made phone calls for household appointments.
Supervised sprinkler and Invisible Fence crew, shopped for birthday supplies, sprayed for weeds & mopped floors.
Dusted, dealt with an AC repairman who tried to sell me a $500 filter, supervised lawn graders for the 3rd time (for some reason they have a difficult time spreading and smoothing dirt) & washed floors.
Fun day for Grant! We attended MOMS Club Park and Play where we met up with fellow members and had a fun morning in the park. Grant also had a haircut that day and was so good during his haircut that we went out for lunch afterwards.
Went to my nephew Evan's graduation open house in Becker. We had a Great time playing "Polish Golf" and catching up with family.
My parents were arriving that day so I tidied up the guest room and made dinner.

Also add into the mix making 3 meals a day plus snacks, breaking up arguments between Grant and Quincy, going to appointments, making it to the gym 4-5 times a week, playing with Grant & going to the park. That is what I do all day.