Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Deed of the Day

As some of you may know we like to donate stuff to Freecycle in our local town. We usually donate items that we can't get a tax deduction for and it also helps people who need items at the same time.

We have a 1970's Ariens snowblower that we have been wanting to get rid of. It works OK but dosen't have enough horse power to take on the large amount of snow we get in our neighborhood. Since Mark has vowed to purchase the best snowblower money can buy this fall, we posted the tank I mean snowblower on Freecycle and received quite a few responses!

The responses were out of control. The first night we received numerous calls into the next day. I deceided to go with a very nice man who refurbishes lawn equipment and gives it to people in need. The snowblower is gone to someone who will need and appreciate the fine piece of equipment. Now Mark can go snowblower shopping til' his heart is content.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

We have be terribly busy these last few weeks. Here is an update of what we have been up to.

The Bank celebrated it's 85th anniversary with a party, picnic, games, bouncy things, baseball game and fireworks all in one day. Grant had a great time, with unlimited ice cream dots who wouldn't! He was a little nervous about the bouncy castle and misc so he didn't take part in that, even though he tried. He liked running around on the turf and pretending he was a football player much better. It was fun matching faces to names and makes this new transition in our lives much more easier. We ran into a few people who said "it's not just a bank, it's a family". I am starting to see and agree with them.

That same weekend we took Grant to his first concert! Sesame Street Live of course. He seemed to enjoys it. But we don't know if he thought he was watching a movie or "live" characters on stage. I also have to add that the merchandise was a true money trap! Grant didn't ask for anything other than popcorn and was happy with that. The Elmo balloons were $8.00! Mark being the true banker that he is said "and you wonder why America is in financial trouble". We don't want to get him started on overpriced concert paraphernalia just yet!

The rest of this month have been filled with swimming, playgrounds, walks, getting Grant ready for pre-school, a few MOMS Club events, redecorating a little, colds and food poisoning. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Converstaions With Grant

Grant has turned into quite the little chatter box this year. The discussions are usually about golf or more likely Tiger Woods, daddy's bank, going potty, what he wants for a snack or just general pre-K chit chat.

These are the top four conversations this week.

Grant sitting in his rocking chair or as he call it his "thinking chair" decides we need to make plans for this weekend.
Grant: So what are you doing this weekend Mommy?
Me: We have the bank party all day on Saturday & a baseball game that night. On Sunday we are going to see Elmo. Doesn't that sound fun?
Grant: Sure mommy, sure

Apparently if your name is in the bank advertising info, if you have somewhat of a public job or you go to enough charity events your name gets put on a list. Since Mark is all of the above we get numerous charities soliciting a few days a week. I normally just ask them to send me the information or I just don't answer the phone (caller ID is such a great invention!). Grant is now answering the phone which means I can no longer hide!
Grant: Hello
Charity person: Can I talk to your mommy or daddy?
Grant: Bye
This person actually called back a few seconds later.

Today trying to get Grant to put on his underwear.
Me: Please put your underwear on.
Grant: I don't want to.
Me: I bet Tiger Woods wears underwear.
Grant: No he wears pants.

As you know Grant is in the process of potty training and doing very well except for going poop. The other day we talked about everyone he knows who uses the potty.
Grant: Jack uses the potty. Mommy and daddy, Grandpa and Grandma. Andrew also uses the potty, he's a big boy!
Me: Yes Grant they all use the potty.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Love Thy Neighbor?

We have a problem with the neighbor to the south of us. Since we are on a corner lot it is the only neighbor. What is the problem? The "Smiths" like to leave things on their driveway for weeks or months at a time. What type of things? A trailer with stuff that didn't move for a few weeks, dirt on their driveway that was there for so long it grew weeds, last winter and into the early spring it was sheetrock and now they have a pile of rocks.

My question is this? Should we put up a privacy fence between our lot and theirs? I don't want to be snobby but I just can't stand to look at all their miscellaneous garbage all year long. It brings the look of our and other neighboring properties down. It would also work as a weed barrier because they don't mow to often and their weeds spread into our lawn that we are trying to create.

What would you do?

Friday, August 1, 2008


Brett Farve, please please retire from football. I am so sick of hearing about him and if he will or will not play for the Vikings. Who cares! Get a life people it's only football. In the real world when someone retires from a company you can't change your mind and go back.

Mark would love it if "Farve" played for the Vikings. He is positive the Vikings would go to the Super Bowl if he played. Dream on! I personally think he should retire while he has some cognitive abilities left and can still walk. Take your millions and millions of dollars and leave. Spend time with your family, become a motivational speaker, host Monday Night football or roll around in your money. I don't care, just please get off my talk radio, nightly news and all the magazines that are delivered to my house.

I personally hate professional football and everything it stands for. I just can't stand watching a bunch of millionaire jocks who skated through college without ever handing in a paper, going to class or can barely read at a 3rd grade level. Some didn't even graduate college, but that's ok since they were not learning anything in the first place. People buy their jerseys and other paraphernalia because they see them as great athletes or to some parents role models for their kids.

The one thing that bothers me the most is when professional athletes or celebrities in general are labeled as role models. We do not know anything about these people except what their chosen profession is and yet it is ok to practically worship these people. If you want to worship someone go to church.

Quincy Checking out the Sprinklers

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