Thursday, May 22, 2008

Excuse Me, Please and Thank-you

Grant was complimented on his manners a few days ago. I guess we are doing something right in his transition to a pre schooler. How did he get to be so polite? For one thing I never let a toddler tell me what to do. He learned the sign for please when he was very young. Anytime he wanted something he had to say please. When he received the item he would have to say thank-you. He also learned by watching us saying please and thank-you to others. He learned excuse me probably from shopping with us and trying to get around people. Sometimes it's extremely difficult getting around places with a stroller, especially walking in back of people who don't have a clue where they are going. Excuse me is a nice way of saying in that situation get out of the way! Grant is super polite he even says "excuse me" when trying to go down the stairs when Quincy is blocking them. It's true what they say "practice what you preach". Children are always learning from you, I am always reminded to be a good example for him. Now if I could get his little buddy from calling me "hey you" or "hey you, I want some milk".

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