Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What Do You Do All Day?

This post is for all the stay-at-home-moms out there who are tired of the question "What do you do all day?". Here is a brief synopsis of last week.

Monday (Memorial Day)
Grocery shopped, spent quality time with family,had dinner with Mark's parents.
Washed, dried, folded and put away 5 loads of laundry, uncovered garden and flowers from the previous nights frost warning, watered garden and flowers, changed sheets, washed all mirrors and doors. Made phone calls for household appointments.
Supervised sprinkler and Invisible Fence crew, shopped for birthday supplies, sprayed for weeds & mopped floors.
Dusted, dealt with an AC repairman who tried to sell me a $500 filter, supervised lawn graders for the 3rd time (for some reason they have a difficult time spreading and smoothing dirt) & washed floors.
Fun day for Grant! We attended MOMS Club Park and Play where we met up with fellow members and had a fun morning in the park. Grant also had a haircut that day and was so good during his haircut that we went out for lunch afterwards.
Went to my nephew Evan's graduation open house in Becker. We had a Great time playing "Polish Golf" and catching up with family.
My parents were arriving that day so I tidied up the guest room and made dinner.

Also add into the mix making 3 meals a day plus snacks, breaking up arguments between Grant and Quincy, going to appointments, making it to the gym 4-5 times a week, playing with Grant & going to the park. That is what I do all day.

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