Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, kiddo!

The official Grant Birthday Spectacular Weekend is now over! Saturday was his party, and the whole gang, both sets of grandparents, his good buddies Jonah and Jack, and some of our friends and family were able to make it over for the festivities. A new trike and set of kiddie golf clubs were the highlights of the day. Carla did a great job planning everything and made delicious food and we all had a good time, even though we were pretty tired!

Monday (today) was Grant's official birthday! It is hard to believe that our little guy has grown up so fast. To celebrate, Carla took him to visit me at work today and we went out to lunch. Later, when I got home, we celebrated with some birthday pizza and went to chip golf balls in a nearby park. Grant likes to pretend he is Tiger Woods all the time- as Grant puts it, he's playing golf for "championships" all the time. Grant also apparently is a big Rocco Mediate fan- for those that don't watch golf, he's the guy Tiger beat in the playoff to win the US Open last week- because I asked Grant if Tiger was his favorite golfer, and he said "and I like Rocco too, Daddy."

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