Friday, June 13, 2008

Play On Player

Grant has become quite the social butterfly! He has started to recognise his friends from various places. I don't know if they are his friends or he is just making up names. Yesterday he said he saw his friends Mary at Target and Preston at a sporting goods store.
When we walked into the sporting goods store yesterday as soon as we got in the door he was saying "hi" to everyone. We spent a few minutes upstairs looking for golf accessories for Mark, Grant again was saying "hi" to everyone. Even to the teenage boy on the putting green, who didn't quite know what to say to him. I hope he stays this way and doesn't become shy like his mother. The best part of the shopping experience was in the cafe inside the store where we stopped for a treat. We were in line and Grant walks over to the salt water taffy and tries to chat up a little girl. Grant standing there with his arms crossed "How's it going". The little girl didn't now what to say and walked away. His first rejection by a girl. Oh, well her loss!

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