Monday, December 8, 2008

Let it snow!!!

You know how when you were a kid, you always used to be real anxious for that first snow? Maybe hoping that school would get canceled? Or that you could build that superwickedawesomecool fort that you'd been planning since, oh, last April?

We finally got some over the weekend.

And like I was many years ago, I was psyched to see it again.

Why, you might ask?

Because tonight I got to fire up my brand new snowblower. And let me tell you, it was pretty exciting. I think all the thing doesn't do is play MP3's, and I'm sure that will be forthcoming in the newer model.

After having to shovel all that !@# snow last year without a functioning snowblower, I (and my back) are very pleased to welcome the Toro Power Max 826 LE to our family. A great toy you hope you never have to use!

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