A few months ago I joined the Facebook community. I was a little leery at first because I tried MySpace for a few weeks and than my page was deleted for reasons unknown to me. This really irritated me and the MySpace people also had no idea why my page was deleted. It's not like I am some creepy adult trying to lure teens to my page. So I joined the "grown up" world of Facebook.
I enjoy Facebook! Where else can you reconnect with old friends, share your day with your current friends, join groups, and take mindless quizzes? "Just make sure you don't get addicted" said Mark. Sure Mark, whatever!
Facebook is an amazing way to reconnect with your old classmates and not have to go to your reunion! You can catch up on their lives, who they married/dated and see current pictures without having to make the awful road trip with a 3 year old...woo hoo!
A few things I want to know about Facebook: Why do some people have 100+ friends? Who keeps challenging me to take an IQ test? Who has a crush on me (according to a ticker that comes across the screen)?
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