I am back to blogging! I took a hiatus from blogging for two reasons, time and direction. After Ben was born I just didn't have the time to keep up with my hobbies. I barely had time to take care of myself! After feeding, diapering, trying to keep a house in order and also taking care of the needs of a five year old a comfy bed looked better than Blogger!
Ben is in a routine for now and things have settled down a bit. He is now scooting and finds everything quite interesting. Thanks to his precocious nature my frenemy the outlook covers are back. He weighs over 20lbs and much to the dismay of Quincy, he matches him in height and weight (it's a fair match now!).
Grant is now in Kindergarten and loving every minute of it! His summer was filled with golf, basketball, park play and swimming. He finally passed to level 2! It only took 5 sessions and approximately 50 lessons! After his busy summer I was physically ready for him to start school, just not emotionally. I wiped away tears (mine) as we said goodbye for the day. He did great, me not so much! That day little things made me tear up: making his bed, walking by the doughnut holes in the bakery, his jacket hanging on the hook. I have since sucked it up and realised that I have to let him grow and let us both enjoy this new adventure called school.
Life has settled down a bit and I am back to blogging. What type of blog I am still puzzled about. Should it be a journal type blog? I am not that interesting so that option is out. I have two growing boys, well three if you count the dog so maybe a mommy blog? Snore fest. Who would want to read a blog entirely dedicated to my boys? I love them and find them highly entertaining but not everyone feels the same way. Then again it's my blog and I will do what I want! Somedays (ok weeks may go by without a post, who are we kidding?) you will see an update about the boys, maybe you will see me rant about the punk who cut me off in traffic or maybe I will write about a memory. Whatever it ends up to be it all makes up the happiness we have here on Harrison Street.
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