Happy New Year everyone! We had a quiet night last night of our choosing. Mark and I have never been ones to party on New Years. For the past five years or so we have ordered in Olive Garden and spent some quality family time together. This year we broke out one of our new Wii games, Monopoly. The game ended the way all games I play with with Mark, me getting frustrated and walking away. For once I just want to beat him in something! At least I didn't throw the Wii mote and throw out some expletives (flashbacks form Wii golf are rolling threw my mind). I can go through childbirth without a scream or an expletive but put a Wii remote in my hand and I am a different person. We watched the "ball" drop on CNN with my favorite CNN reporter Anderson Cooper and the funny/sarcastic comedian Kathy Griffin.
A new year makes people ponder how they can improve themselves for this year. Here are our resolutions for 2009. My last years resolution was to read more books, which I did. This year I want to become more organized in all aspects of my life. I want my cupboards, drawers and closets to not have objects fall out of them when they are opened. I want to be able to find things and know where they are. Basically I want everything to have a home. I have a clean house thanks to the Flylady system I just need it organized. I plan to follow the Flylady and toss out or donate 10 items a day for 100 days. This should help me get rid of 1000 items! I also want to bring my scrapbooks up to date. Grant's resolution is to become fully potty trained. As I have said before we have #1 down but not #2. I told him for every accident he has 1 toy will be taken away. It's a little harsh but I have tried everything. By the end of the year we might have a totally trained child or a child without toys. Mark's resolution is to eat better. We'll see how that goes. Quincy promises to be cute, cuddly and to tone down the barking.
Happy New Year everyone! May your days be filled with health, happiness and peace.
1 comment:
I'd like to become better organized too, I've been working on it. One suggestion I have is drawer dividers. They're spring loaded and stretch to fit your drawers. I'm going to try use them in drawers that hold things like tupperware stuff. Or socks and underware. Next summer I'm having a big garage sale and getting rid of lots of stuff, there's so much crap that just sits here.
Anyways, sounds like a good resolution and one you can totally keep. Good luck.
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