Saturday, January 31, 2009

Joining the Facebook world

I always vowed I would never set up a Facebook page.


What brought me around? A few things. We had a strategic planning meeting at work a few weeks ago that we talked about the whole "social networking" phenomenon. As the youngest member of our management group, it really struck me that no one in the room had a Facebook page but everyone's kids basically did. I'm young enough to be the son of some of that management team.

Did you know the average age of a Facebook user now is 36? Stunned me. I would have bet money it would have been a late-20's type thing.

Also, I am on the alumni association board of directors for our local university that I graduated from, and now I see that a vast majority of students have Facebook (or Myspace) pages too. We have to understand how younger students think and interact, and Facebook appears to be the "window" that we can get access to that.

So, I've jumped over to the dark side. Let the experiment begin!

(Anyone wanna be my friend?)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Exit Bush, enter.....?

I'm watching the crowds this morning assemble in our nation's capital for the inauguration of Barack Obama. I can't help but wonder what the next four years are going to be like.

I didn't vote for him. I don't like many of the things he stands for. I don't care if he's black, white, or any other color- I don't have to agree with him. I think the Democratic party in general will lead this country in a direction I'm not comfortable with.

But such is the result of elections in this country. I have a great deal of pride in my country and our democracy. I think it's amazing the way power transfers in such a peaceful fashion. But I do have mixed emotions.

I remember watching in 2001 when George Bush came into office and how excited I was to have a decent man in the White House after the scandals of the Clinton years. Today, I am sad to see a man leave the presidency who, while he may not have always made the correct or best decision, has been unfairly tarnished by a media who hates the Republican party in general, especially truly deplorable people like Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher and other left-wing bomb throwers who do nothing but complain about how much they hate Bush without offering any productive or constructive dialogue about how the country can move forward.

Let's not forget the Hollywood elitists who are on the Obama bandwagon because it's hip and cool and don't know jack-squat about anything that matters in this country. How Hollywood actors can know and/or care about what the average American is going through is beyond me. Those people should stick to reading their scripts and producing fictional works for our entertainment. I don't care about their politics, nor do I want to hear about them while they promote their next movie or appearance on Dancing With The Stars.

These are the same hypocrites that preach "going green" and then climb into their five-vehicle SUV posse to go nightclubbing in Los Angeles, get on their private jets to fly to Washington and go to one of the 960 inaugural balls and be "seen" by everyone. These are the same people who are willing to raise your taxes because they already make millions. In short, because they can play a character on the big or small screen and make a ton of money doing it, they feel they can tell you how to think. Scary thing is, many people listen to them because they don't have any independent thought of their own. Please, America, don't swallow everything Obama and his team give you at face value. Take a step back, think, analyze and objectively look at what is happening with your government, your country and your lives.

But, like many Americans, I am interested to see what happens after noon today. It's also different for me this time around as a father---this man will be the first president Grant grows up to know. I still remember watching Ronald Reagan as a very young boy and the influence it had on me-it will be interesting to see what mark Mr. Obama leaves on the youngest generation in his presidency. I hope it is for the best. At heart, I'm a cautious optimist. Good luck, Mr. President.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

People Watching

Over the past few months I have observed some strange/interesting behavior. Here are some of the highlights. Maybe some of you might not find these observations strange but I sure do!

I love to people watch, some of my favorite places are malls, Las Vegas, airports and church. Church you say? Yes church. Mostly before mass starts the rest of the time my mind is where it should be. One person at Christmas Eve mass kept me entertained/annoyed for a period of time. We arrived early to get a good seat and sit through our wonderful choir and bell choir's Christmas carols. The people in front of us sit down and I notice she has an issue of "Newsweek" in her possession. Thinking this was a little odd I thought this could get interesting. Not only did she read the magazine during Christmas carols but also through parts of the service! How disrespectful! We Catholics do the "sign of peace" during a portion of the mass. This is when we shake hands, greet one another and flash our gang signs (I'm kidding). The same person in front of me after she give the sign of peace takes out a bottle of Purell and uses it! Oh no not a small purse size to make it inconspicuous but household size. Was that really necessary? Wash your hands after the service if your that worried about germs.

Next observation comes from the anniversary party of Mark's workplace. As part of the festivities a kiosk of Dip and Dots was on the premises. People really love their Dip and Dots, in fact so much one person was licking the bowl.

This last observation comes from the Starving Artist Sale held at the Holiday Inn. Side note: There is a reason why these artists are starving and I think they should study a new trade. I overhear a conversation between a mother, father and their tweens about which painting they should purchase. This was a pretty heated discussion. They were so animated about which piece of "art" they should buy and where it should be placed. Really people, is is worth arguing over a $55 piece of "art". Who let's their children and husband pick out the decor of their house? Mark has A ROOM and that's all he gets. If it were up to him the house would be decorated with Vikings, fantasy football banners, Agusta Golf pictures and dogs playing poker.

People watching is such a great pastime. Sometimes it makes me wonder what the rest of their life is like. I am thankful for these people in my observations, it gives me a little time away from my everyday life, makes me smile/laugh and helps pass the time when I am waiting for people. Next time your in a public place take a few minutes to people watch I bet you will find it entertaining.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! We had a quiet night last night of our choosing. Mark and I have never been ones to party on New Years. For the past five years or so we have ordered in Olive Garden and spent some quality family time together. This year we broke out one of our new Wii games, Monopoly. The game ended the way all games I play with with Mark, me getting frustrated and walking away. For once I just want to beat him in something! At least I didn't throw the Wii mote and throw out some expletives (flashbacks form Wii golf are rolling threw my mind). I can go through childbirth without a scream or an expletive but put a Wii remote in my hand and I am a different person. We watched the "ball" drop on CNN with my favorite CNN reporter Anderson Cooper and the funny/sarcastic comedian Kathy Griffin.

A new year makes people ponder how they can improve themselves for this year. Here are our resolutions for 2009. My last years resolution was to read more books, which I did. This year I want to become more organized in all aspects of my life. I want my cupboards, drawers and closets to not have objects fall out of them when they are opened. I want to be able to find things and know where they are. Basically I want everything to have a home. I have a clean house thanks to the Flylady system I just need it organized. I plan to follow the Flylady and toss out or donate 10 items a day for 100 days. This should help me get rid of 1000 items! I also want to bring my scrapbooks up to date. Grant's resolution is to become fully potty trained. As I have said before we have #1 down but not #2. I told him for every accident he has 1 toy will be taken away. It's a little harsh but I have tried everything. By the end of the year we might have a totally trained child or a child without toys. Mark's resolution is to eat better. We'll see how that goes. Quincy promises to be cute, cuddly and to tone down the barking.

Happy New Year everyone! May your days be filled with health, happiness and peace.