Thursday, June 12, 2008

Potty Training, Need I Say More?

We have taken on the challenge of potty training Grant. I tried this a few months before, but I stopped because we were both upset. Grant didn't want to sit on the potty and I was crying out of frustration. I then decided since we are a two parent household and one has a lot more patience then the other that Mark would do the potty training bootcamp for the weekend and I would do the rest of the week.

We both read the book "How to Potty Train in Less Than a Day" to get some pointers. Intelligence told me this was not going to work, but secretly I wanted it to. The basic concept is to totally engross your child with potty training and give then all the liquid they desire. This goes on for an entire day. The other component is to use a Potty Scotty type of doll to show the child how to use the potty and "potty train" their doll. Grant had about enough of the doll after a few minutes. It went flying across the room and according to Grant "baby already potty trained". You can't fool this kid.

To make a long story short Grant peed in the potty about 3 times that day and continues to do it 1-2 times a day this week. He pooped on the floor last night (at least he learned he doesn't have to use his Pull-Ups for poop) It's progress! The book didn't work but we alt least got pointers on how to potty train a stubborn child.

I keep reminding myself of something my friend Jaime emailed me a few months ago: Intelligent children are harder to potty train. I also read that at one time. I don't know if I believe this but it sounds good to me!

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