Monday, April 14, 2008

Grant's Food Logic

What is the best way to choose a grocery store A). Sales B). Location C).Bakery Samples D). Race car Shopping Carts. Answer: C&D

I have noticed in the past 2 1/2 years Grant has his own logic about food. Spaghetti tastes better when it is smeared all over your face. Grape jelly makes a great mustache. If I beg for food that is not in the house it will magically appear. Flirt with the bakery ladies, they will give you cookies! Don't worry about finishing your lunch, give it to Quincy. If someone is eating a snack at playgroup I must have one, even if I arrived 15 minutes ago and had breakfast 30 minutes before that. If you are eating something in front of me you have to share, I will not share with you though. Eat pickles until you puke. Don't stand in Quincy's bowls. Grandmas always have treats. They will give me Koolaid until I wet through my diaper and any clothing I have on. Grandma Susan always has raisins and animal crackers. I will eat anything for a babysitter or my grandmas.

Grant is actually a great eater. He loves fruit, we are working on vegetables. Tonight he actually ate asparagus! Sometime I miss the baby days when he had 1 choice and it was so easy to prepare. But it is fun to see what he will and will not eat. He surprised me by eating cantaloupe, grapefruit & green peppers (separately). The biggest surprise was a few weeks ago when he ate an entire garden sized tomato.

I can definitely see that Grant and I enjoy the same foods. I finally have someone to plant a garden for & share a Hawaiian pizza with!

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